This is how a producer brings the different elements available to them together into a complete podcast episode

Production techniques vary with the podcast format; some styles are applicable to interview based podcasts while others are applicable to narrative podcasts.

The 4 main elements that a producer may use to make an episode are:


This includes all voice over segments of the podcast, that is the narrator's/host's recording, interviews added to the episode and any other VO.

This is the main part of your tape (various segments of a master audio put together into a predetermined sequence)

The producing process includes going through all recorded material, picking the ones you'll use, deciding their order, and organizing them in a script.

SFX (Sound effects)

There are 2 sources of sound effects:

Whether or not you use sound effects will depend very much on what you are trying to achieve with your show and your creative process.

<aside> ☝ If it's in mono it's SFX. If it's stereo it's ambience



These are recorded characters and atmospheres of a place.

They can be sourced the same way SFX are located.